Acceptance YES!

Posted on June 20th, by Cynthia Arnold in Slideshows. Comments Off on Acceptance YES!

Acceptance = YES

My hope is that this information fills a gap in the current Austim curriculm and helps people to accept their diagnosis as empowered/whole people.

Because advocacy begins with acceptance.

As an ASD Self Advocate and mentor, I have created the set of slides that I would have wanted to hear when I was diagnosed just a few years ago.

Nearly 2 years ago Karla and Cynthia first joined forces with a shared vision of making Neurodiverse friendly ASD curriculum that could be understood by both NT and ASD cultures. This work is exceedingly hard on both of us as the Language differences are very large. Our fist goal was to create the “right” content for one of the biggest issues we see today. Namely there are too many young people landing in bad places because of misconceptions and myths about Autism. These wonderful individudals feel doomed by a diagnosis rather than empowered.


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