
Blackstar Warrior

Here is a short film with which I was involved (Acting /Co-Production), directed by Matt Haley.  Leonard Roberts, from ‘Drumline’, ‘Heroes’ and ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ is playing Lando Calrissian.  A tribute to the ‘Star Wars’ series, it was designed to promote the Portland film community.  It succeeded in it’s goal, and even drew the attention of George Lucas, who reportedly was highly amused.  Please excuse my British accent… all Imperial officers are British, right?


The Rook Moves

A short drama piece directed by Shawn Nelson, featuring Dr. Friedrichs as, um… Dr. Friedrichs.  The incomparable Emma Pellet, fashion model, plays my assistant.  Our mysterious chess playing beauty is none other than Chantelle Nelson from the Gus Van Sant film, ‘Elephant’.



An action adventure film directed by Matt Haley, featuring Dr. Friedrichs as a cigarette addicted, meth-addict bank robber.  I don’t smoke, and had to smoke a dozen packs of “movie cigarettes”.  This was particularly sickening because they are filled with Earl Gray tea!